11.5 Cancer causing (cancer causing) environmental substances and methods of its control: Health and environment part 2
11.5 Cancer causing (cancer causing) environmental substances and methods of its control:
Cancer is a group of related diseases occurring in the cells of the body. Normally, one cell can produce many cells as needed to grow, grow and heal the useless (damaged) cells of the body. The continuous division and growth of cells keeps the human body normal and healthy. But sometimes these cells continue to divide even without need. These cells come together to form a group called a tumor (Tumor tumor). These tumors can be either benign benign or malignant malignant. Often they are removed by surgery and do not regenerate. These benign tumors also do not spread to other parts of the body and neither do they pose any life risk. In contrast, malignant tumors are cancerous.The cells of these tumors are abnormal and they divide and regroup without any control. They affect the surrounding tissues and organs by harming them. The cells of this tumor divide and reach into the blood stream or lymph system and reach other parts of the body from their place and start forming new tumors.
Leukemia and lymphoma cancer begin in the blood-forming cells. Most cancers are named after the affected organs, such as lung cancer and lung cancer and skin cancer known as melanoma. The agents that cause cancer are called carcinogen. And those agents originate in the environment are called 'environmental carcinogens'.
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11.5 Cancer causing (cancer causing) environmental substances and methods of its control: |
11.5.2 Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation:
High levels of radiation such as radiation treatment and X-rays, and radioactive substances can harm somatic cells. This increases the risk of leukemia and breast cancer. The thyroid, lungs, stomach, and other organs are also vulnerable to cancer.
Studies of survivors of atom bombs thrown in Japan suggest that ionizing radiation increases the risk of leukemia and other cancers. As far as possible to identify and treat diseases by ionizing radiation, minimize and keep other organs of the body covered during this process.
11.5.4 Chemicals and Other Ingredients:
Pesticides: Excessive use of pesticides especially by using herbicides increases the chances of cancer. A particular cancer caused by weedicides such as 2,4 dichlorofinoxacetic acid (2-4-D) increases the probability of a cancer (non-Hanjkins lymphoma) found in NHL Sweden by 200 to 800%. Insecticides such as toxafin, hexachloro cyclo hexane (BHC), tri chlorophyllol, daldin, DDT, cause lymphatic cancer in mice, pimples.
Due to continuous exposure of these pesticides in the environment, there is a danger and we remain in contact with low levels of pesticides. Use of these pesticides has been banned and limited. Organic farming and integrated pest management is an alternative method of pest control and is also an eco-friendly method. Reducing their use and minimizing their exposure can prevent various types of cancer.
11.5.5 Allergen (Allergic) and Allergies:
The allergens present in the environment are called Allergen. The allergen causes an antagonism stimulus inside the body that takes the form of a reaction. The person with allergies has a reduced ability to fight the disease due to allergen, which produces a special antibody immunoglobulin E (immunoglobulin E, lg E) that can fight off that invasive element. This causes other chemicals to be excreted from the blood cells (which also contain histamine) to cause an allergic reaction.
The most common symptoms are sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and ears, rapid wheezing, cough, flatulence, sinus problem, sore throat, scorpion-like itchy rash. Asthma, eczema and headache are also other allergic problems.
The most commonly caused allergies are allergens - pollen of particular trees and grasses, household fine dust, construction goods, insects such as dogs, cats, wasps and bees, industrial and household chemicals, medicines and some foods such as milk and eggs.
Allergen contains protein:
Allergen contains protein which is an essential part of our food. There are also some allergens that do not contain protein. These include medicines such as penicillin - but after going into the body, it is necessary to bind them with protein. The best way to avoid allergies is to identify the allergen, which is difficult, and then avoid coming into contact with it.. Blue Baby disease
Many types of nitrogen-rich fertilizers and fertilizers are used in modern agriculture. Nitrate is soluble in water, due to which the level of nitrate in ground water increases and dissolves in the soil. When nitrate levels in land and in water increase to 10ppm, it becomes harmful. Where only ground water is used as drinking water, it increases the chances of getting a disease called Methaemoglobinaemia. This disease is99 more common in infants who drink milk because they are more sensitive to this pollutant.
Children drink large amounts of water, add their juice and concentrated foods, powders to the water, due to which the amount of water in them is more. When nitrated water is consumed and reaches the intestines, the intestinal bacteria convert nitrate to nitrite. When nitrite ions bind to homoglobin, methymeoglobin is formed, which hinders the blood's ability to take oxygen, causing a blood deficiency (anemia) known as methymoglobinemia. This causes methanoglobin to form when the hemoglobin molecule is oxidized and changes from Fe2 + (ferrous) to Fe3 + (ferric) form. For this reason, due to lack of oxygen in the blood, the body of children gradually starts to take blue. That is why the name of this disease is "blue baby disease". Its symptoms are, sleeping more, drinking less of milk, lack of energy, weakness etc. Nitrate can be removed from water by adopting electrodialysis and reverse osmosis. In order to oxidize the nitrite of water to nitrate, a strong oxidizing agent such as ozone has to be added to the water.
It is a chronic chronic disease of the respiratory tract. In this, the flow of air is obstructed (the soft muscles near the airways become stiff), swollen and the phlegm starts forming as soon as the various stimulants are exposed. There is no cure for asthma but there are many medicines available to control it and prevent its intensity. Asthma is a fatal disease, it is necessary to stay in the hospital in case of emergency. Asthma can occur at any age. The reason why the bronchial tubes swell is not yet known. But possible reasons for asthma in childhood can be: -
- Any family history of allergies and allergic problems.
- Exposure to airborne allergens (pet, household fine dust, cockroaches, building materials (molds, etc.)) is more likely in sensitive children in the first five years.
- Staying in touch with tobacco smoke.
- Frequent respiratory infections in the early years of life.
Shortness of breath, wheezing, stiffness or pain in the chest or muscles near the chest are symptoms of persistent cough (phlegm) for a few weeks.
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11.5 Cancer causing (cancer causing) environmental substances and methods of its control: |
1. Name three pesticides that cause lymphatic cancer in mice?
2. What are the possible programs to reduce the damage caused by pesticides?
3. What Causes Blue Baby Disease?
4. Describe the two main symptoms of asthma.
Toxic metals in the air are spread by metals extracting industries, burning organic waste, automobiles and coal-fired energy-making industries. These heavy metals combine with air to diffuse far beyond their source space with air, especially when they are emitted in the form of gas or very fine particles. Due to rain, these metal pollutants get out of the air and reach the earth and water bodies.
These heavy metals affect public health when they are added to the food chain. Heavy metals cannot be destroyed by organic degradation. Reports of the accumulation of heavy metals in fish, oyster (snail), mace (oyster), sediment and other aquatic ecosystem components have been reported from all over the world. Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and chromium are often found in the atmosphere. These have toxic effects on organisms.
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11.5 Cancer causing (cancer causing) environmental substances and methods of its control: |
The lead from the smoke from the vehicles is transmitted to the atmosphere. The tetraethyl lead (Tetraethyl lead, TEL) was added to petrol to act as an antilock to make the engine of the vehicle run smoothly. The oil is replaced by another mixture for antilock which reduces the emission of lead from the trains. With the removal of lead from petrol, lead-free petrol is now available. Lead is still used in many industrial processes and emits this pollutant. Lead is also found in the shavings of the battery. It combines with water and food produces double-triple poison. Due to this, behavioral diseases, neurological damage and other developmental problems occur in young children and infants. It can also cause lung and kidney cancer.
In 1960, incidents of mercury poisoning (Minamata disease) were seen in large proportion in 1960. The reason for this was to eat the fish of Minamata Bay because these fish were contaminated with methyl mercury. The biggest source of pollution is aquatic organisms. Such as fishes, in which mercury accumulates as methyl mercury. The cells of the body die from mercury and the organs that come in contact with mercury are damaged and thus the activity of those organs is disrupted.
The passing of mercury in the form of steam is even more dangerous. Due to prolonged exposure to mercury, there are lesions in the mouth and skin and neurological problems arise. There are some special symptoms of mercury poisoning such as irritability, excitement, lack of memory, insomnia, shivering and swelling of the gums. In order to avoid contact with mercury, it is necessary to take care that the mercury is not expelled into the atmosphere, along with the use of another metal in place of mercury. Parad thermometers have now been replaced by mercury-free thermometers.
11.6.3 Arsenic (Arsenic)
Arsenic is related to copper, iron and silver ores. Arsenic is expelled by burning fossil fuels. Arsenic is also found in liquids released from fertilizer plants. Groundwater in the area of these plants is also contaminated with arsenic. Those who depend on this ground water are exposed to this pollutant. Long-term exposure to arsenic causes loss of appetite, loss of weight, diarrhea, gastrointestinal (gastrointestinal) blockage and skin cancer. Water from underground water sources that is contaminated with arsenic. Therefore, it should be used for drinking and cooking. It is necessary to purify the water of tube well / hand pump etc. before extracting arsenic. Several methods are available to extract arsenic from water.
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11.5 Cancer causing (cancer causing) environmental substances and methods of its control: |
11.6.4 Cadmium:
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11.5 Cancer causing (cancer causing) environmental substances and methods of its control: |
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11.5 Cancer causing (cancer causing) environmental substances and methods of its control: |
The use of cheap metal cooking utensils also enters the human body through zinc, chromium, antimony and tin food. Food preserved in tin cans is also polluted by tin. Zinc causes itching in the skin and affects the pulmonary system. To avoid heavy metal poisoning, these metal utensils should not be used for cooking and they should avoid using contaminated water and eating fish.
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11.5 Cancer causing (cancer causing) environmental substances and methods of its control: |
Textual Questions 11.5
1. What is heavy metal poisoning?
2. State two symptoms of arsenic poisoning caused by the use of ground water contaminated with arsenic.
3. Mention the form of mercury in which mercury exerts the effect of poison.
4. Which mantle dissolves in the atmosphere from battery scrap?
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